As the world continues its return to normalcy, Maine Youth Action is looking forward to hosting and attending a variety of in-person events! 2023 has been a busy year for outreach as MYA grows - with tabling at events, the creation of two volunteer-based groups, and making connections with Maine universities. 2024 will continue that trend with the expansion of in-person workshops, talks, and meet-ups. We hope to see you there, but first, a wrap on the 2023 year for outreach:
Maine Youth Action staff and volunteers tabled at the Common Ground Fair in Unity this September. We had a great time checking out all CGF has to offer as well as educate fair-goers about the Pine Tree Amendment, hand out yard signs and stickers, and get signatures for the Pine Tree Amendment. MYA also tabled at Maine Conservation Voters’ Evening for the Environment, where we mingled with other organizations and individuals interested in youth representation regarding environmental issues. We talked with attendees about what MYA does, how people can volunteer, and opportunities for us to provide workshops for schools. We also got to listen to the inspiring performer Signature Mimi and informative speakers Maulian Bryant and Ayana Elizabeth Johnson discuss the climate crisis. From both events we got a number of newsletter and volunteer email sign-ups!
2023 also saw the creation of two new volunteer based groups: the Legislative Team and the Volunteer Corp.
The Legislative Team is a group that works with our Policy Director and other volunteers on MYA’s legislative priorities for the legislative session. The team is involved at every step of the process. This includes writing testimonies, organizing lobby days, and garnering legislative support. We have a number of dedicated volunteers for the team that are excited for the start of the legislative session!
The Volunteer Corp provides interested volunteers with climate-related current and future volunteer opportunities at MYA and helps connect volunteers to projects of interest. Going forward, it will also include themed discussions that are oriented towards creating action among volunteers. Although the volunteer corp is still evolving and changing, we have one meeting under our belt with many participants!
Connections with other organizations, businesses, and schools are essential to building our volunteer base and provide opportunities for youth to get involved in climate advocacy. MYA focused this past year on college connections, working with Colby College, Bowdoin College, University of Maine Orono, and University of Southern Maine to provide MYA volunteer opportunities. We connected with various clubs, faculty, and civic engagement departments to talk about getting students involved and look forward to working with them in the future! We also connected with some high schools in a similar way. If you want to see MYA involved at your school or you want MYA to provide volunteer opportunities at your school, please reach out to
Although so much happened in 2023, MYA is poised to do even more in 2024. If you’d like to be involved in one of our many campaigns or legislative work, have us work with your school or provide a workshop for youth, or have us table at your event, please reach out to If you would like to come to one of our upcoming events, please visit our website or instagram to see what we are doing!